Friday 11 January 2013

An Embellishment Called Love

Once embedded, a gem, the vision of the arras called life
Fell prey to a sadistic barbarous knife.
As it tumbled down, losing its pious radiance,
Began an epoch of vile putrescence.
Shrill cries of  wrath and agony echoed within
Tormenting the helpless bleeding  heart.
For succumbing to pain was an odius sin
The arras and the embellishment had to part.

Enshrined by the filth, hidden from the eyes
The fallen gem awaited its splendor to be unveiled
Many souls passed by the huge mould of lies
Oblivious to the gem lying beneath, concealed.
The arras stood blinded, waiting to be healed
Few autumns passed, twas a never ending night.
Forces of nature took pity, pulled the gem into the light
Now the arras hopes for a miracle to restore its sight.


  1. Wow, wow...........probably my favorite poem of yours. The embellishment called 'love' is a potent blinding force and can be a sadistic obsession to the vulnerable heart ! I love the ending, it's powerful and makes you stand idle and gaze at those words, time after time ! A glorious effort adorned with a rich vocabulary !

    1. Thank you so much for the appreciation :)

      It's really encouraging.
