Friday 10 February 2023

Love #7

Love is not enough. It took me about 37 years to figure that out. Literature, cinema and even the well-meaning people with rich life experiences, very conveniently forget to mention that the perfect glue to relationships is something else. Definitely, not love. Love, perhaps is the icing on the cake but the very base is something else. We get so dazzled by the colorful, tempting sweet cream that we begin romanticizing about relishing it and forget about the sponge cake beneath. What happens when the sponge cake is too soggy? It breaks. The romance comes to a halt. I don't like eating a cake (icing? who cares!) with a bad texture. How about you?

Respect is the fundamental requirement for any sort of a relationship. That's the cake beneath the icing. If that's perfectly baked and is drizzled with the right amount of syrup, even with a bad topping it is quite edible. Remove the icing, and you shall still enjoy it.

Let me elaborate. Where does it fit? In every nook and corner. Respecting an individual means absolute acceptance of the good, the bad and the ugly that comes along. Respecting is non-maleficence if not beneficence. Respect doesn't waver; it is not fleeting. Respect is non-judgmental and empathetic.

It is the most precious gift that can be given or received. Autonomy is a beautiful thing and respect empowers you with it. Earn it, keep it and you'll know incredible peace. 

Respect is non-negotiable. 

How would these respect-infused relationships be? Cakewalk! 😉

(PS: Before you ask, lately, I did deliver a lecture on bioethics and had a piece of lousy cake)

Saturday 4 February 2023


Close your eyes, you will hear it

Her heart beating for you

Infinitesimal, insignificant, like

Raindrops on the canopy

A lunatic's laughter

Never receding

Jargon-laden poems

About a thousand emotions

You will hear it, if you want to.


Candle on the ocean bed

Hidden from the world

Iridescent, lucid

Rainbow in the sky

Allurement of fireflies

Nibbling on the dark

Joyous sparrows

And their chattering

You embody such beauty.


Chaste, her unadulterated affection

He looks at her, questioningly

Introspection clouds his mind

Reasoning evades hers

Answer to why he is on a pedestal

Nascent, yet fiery in her heart

Just lies in the gloriole he exudes

All of which is not tangible

Yet there's no truth more palpable.


Confounded sometimes, like the zephyr

Help me absorb these tides of emotions

I know that the heart is stepping into fire

Raging to consume it in trifling portions

Allow me to adore you from a distance

Needless to say, it will be fair abundance

Juvenile dreams, they often shine bright

Apologies to your heart for the fright

You must forgive their impertinence.

Friday 3 February 2023


Cerulean, a tinge of vermilion above

Hyacinths, poppies and lilies below

If I were to never see you again

Remember, you'll forever remain

An ancient soulful dream within

Numinous, my heart, rushes ahead

Just when it is close, you turn

Alarmed, it wonders; what if

You do not want to be touched?

Wednesday 1 February 2023


Charmed, she listens, her eyes bright

He narrates an old story from long back

It tugs at her heart, his dreamy smile,

Redolent as the petrichor kissing the earth

As memories clasp his soul tight

Nudging him into a different realm

Journey of a billion miles begins

And when he strings images into words

Yesterday comes alive serenading her.


Connected inexplicably

His soul and mine

Infinite lives entwined


Ascending into the sky

North star shines,

Joy radiates

As the divine incarnations

Yearn for a union.