Friday 23 December 2022

An Ode to His Smile

Stupefying her world it blooms across his face
Her heart embraces the gentle chaos it creates
Reflecting the bliss of his warm brown eyes
Her spirit dives into its dream-like presence
Unabashedly stealing its precious essence
Tucking it within the mind's secluded recess
She watches as it lights up her midnight skies
Its autumnal allure fulfilling a hundred wishes.

Friday 16 December 2022

Love #6


It is what lingers in the air when words cease to exist. It is what flows in the veins as the essence of sentience. A touch of it defines divinity. Divinity of the Universe. It is the shelter of the weary mind for it lulls its constant chatter and breaks all barriers. Words of affirmation do not do justice to its unassuming, benign yet soul-dissolving calmness. 

And how long does it remain?

An eternity. With or without us.

She has not fallen in love. She has ascended.

He is beautiful for he has an untainted, crystalline soul that speaks to her when their eyes meet. And when their souls talk, unutterable bliss illuminates the world.

Just one subtle encounter between two souls.

Just one unadulterated moment of being. 

That is all love is!

Monday 12 December 2022

Happy Fiftieth Birthday!

Reveling in her quest to conquer the shady alleys of rabies

Empathy within shines as she sees the plight of the victims

Endearing mentor, she leads the fight against the menace

True to the core within, she is the beautiful light of kindness

A rebellious child in essence, she has an untainted innocence

May seem tough often but she warms up to her effervescence

A philosopher, she writes about life and its colorful nuances

Never does she let it overwhelm her with its mighty burdens

In a cold December, she is rather the blazing fire, its brightness.