Tuesday 13 April 2021


  • A broken or insecure man is a lost cause, not my problem. I'm in no way responsible to fix him. The broken should be discarded as it is toxic.
  • Unless proven otherwise, every man approaching me has an agenda that is detrimental to my well being.
  • Once a liar, always a liar.
  • Smooth talkers mostly are charming snakes ready to strike. I need to ignore the words and watch what they do.
  • Spineless men are the most dangerous of the lot.
  • My needs and plans for life ought to be respected. I will not sacrifice them to procreate or move to the sidelines, clapping for someone else.
  • Equality is vital. If I am 'asked' to wear bangles, the man should too.
  • I hate cooking. It'll not solely be my responsibility because I'm a woman. Period.
  • Communication is extremely important. There's no relationship without it.
  • Long distance/online relationships don't work.
  • Twin flames - a massive delusion!
  • Narcissists - you'll walk the plank.
  • Self love is enough. More than enough, actually.