Friday 23 December 2022

An Ode to His Smile

Stupefying her world it blooms across his face
Her heart embraces the gentle chaos it creates
Reflecting the bliss of his warm brown eyes
Her spirit dives into its dream-like presence
Unabashedly stealing its precious essence
Tucking it within the mind's secluded recess
She watches as it lights up her midnight skies
Its autumnal allure fulfilling a hundred wishes.

Friday 16 December 2022

Love #6


It is what lingers in the air when words cease to exist. It is what flows in the veins as the essence of sentience. A touch of it defines divinity. Divinity of the Universe. It is the shelter of the weary mind for it lulls its constant chatter and breaks all barriers. Words of affirmation do not do justice to its unassuming, benign yet soul-dissolving calmness. 

And how long does it remain?

An eternity. With or without us.

She has not fallen in love. She has ascended.

He is beautiful for he has an untainted, crystalline soul that speaks to her when their eyes meet. And when their souls talk, unutterable bliss illuminates the world.

Just one subtle encounter between two souls.

Just one unadulterated moment of being. 

That is all love is!

Monday 12 December 2022

Happy Fiftieth Birthday!

Reveling in her quest to conquer the shady alleys of rabies

Empathy within shines as she sees the plight of the victims

Endearing mentor, she leads the fight against the menace

True to the core within, she is the beautiful light of kindness

A rebellious child in essence, she has an untainted innocence

May seem tough often but she warms up to her effervescence

A philosopher, she writes about life and its colorful nuances

Never does she let it overwhelm her with its mighty burdens

In a cold December, she is rather the blazing fire, its brightness.

Thursday 17 November 2022


 1. Remember the agony of being left out in the cold. You were alone, contorted like a fetus on the floor, crying and hoping it would reduce the pain. Love should not inflict that. You deserve empathy.

2. Remember the disrespect of being excluded from the truth always. You are entitled to your autonomy.

3. Remember the lack of peace when together. There was no communication because you were a doormat to him, always waiting around.

4. Remember he does not love you no matter what he says. His words never have had any gravity.

5. Remember he did not say or do the pleasant things because his feelings were genuine. It is just that he is manipulative and had studied you long years while he had your absolute trust. It was only a game for him.

6. Remember he betrayed women before you and will do it again because he thinks his mother wounds make him entitled to that. Pity him but do not let him into your life again.

7. Remember that the purpose of his presence in your life is over. You needed to learn how to love and take care of yourself. He is a piece of junk now and junk needs to be discarded. He is a soulless portal so don't worry about him getting hurt.

8. Remember you have cried enough for handing him your heart to break. It is good that he broke it like that. You will not be scared to love again because it can never be worse than this. Focus upon healing the broken heart.

9. Remember love needs to be shown in actions and not just in words.

10. Remember to forgive him but never forget that he is a player and players play!

Monday 24 October 2022


One moment, one glimpse
A million subtleties lay bare
Loquacious eyes of his
Gleam with a strange magic
Reflecting his pure essence
His smile, some days
Reaches the eyes
Other days, aimlessly lingers
He is the slow burn
She never saw coming
Penetrating her darkness
She weaves no dreams
She desires nothing...
Nothing but one glimpse
Of the million subtleties
Hidden in a moment of peace

Sunday 7 August 2022

Finding Ruhi

A couple of months back, life, being beautiful was only a far fetched idea. I've seen a lot of dark and bright days of varied intensity coloring it. Ups and downs have been more about how deeply I have let them affect me. What made me sad have been my own expectations, the need to control external conditions and a gross lack of self love. The worst question I have ever put to myself is, 'Am I good enough to be validated by the world?'.  The question itself had been invalid all along.

Today is the day of epiphany. I truly, madly, deeply love who I am. Who I am is absolutely acceptable in the Universal grand scheme of things. Who am I? Just a soul. A soul learning lessons to evolve. I'm not my profession, not my parents' child, not my ego or thoughts; I am not any label whatsoever. I'm just being alive embracing all of me. I'm the pumpkin I chant about in the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra which despite seeming attached to the vine gets separated easily when picked up. 

Healing done, lesson learnt. Ready for the next! 😁

Life is beautiful!!!

Tuesday 26 July 2022

Tranquil Melancholy

Some days, she goes into the darkest shade of melancholia. The darkest shade of black is comforting. The darkest shade of black is calming. Darkness is kind whenever emotions get heavy and the only nostrum is undisturbed dormancy. Some days, only some days; as nothing lasts forever. Not gloom. Not life. She doesn't know about death.

The melody of the lashing raindrops on the roof drown the internal cries. Tears stream down. Quietly. What ails her? Her skin and bones will turn to dust just like yours. She knows that. In this ephemeral life, she cries to purge the pain held deep within. The scars of lacerations on the heart still hurt, the shards of broken trust still pierce. She cries to purge. Some days, only some days.  The other days, she smiles.

Monday 11 July 2022

With Metta

It's a beautiful new beginning. She's beautiful. Remember to love her every day. Remember to give all of you. Free your mind of fear, hatred and anger. It's a different story, a better story. Remember that. It needs to be cherished. So, smile with her. Let it reach your eyes. Not everything ends. I wish you nothing but the best. I wish you a story that warms your heart till its final beat.

Wednesday 6 July 2022

Divine Love - 2

Your light holds my fortune in its heart

I have dreamt of you, my love

You are my last breath, my final strain

You are the key to unravel me

Hundred colors splashed on the white canvas

Cards strewn near the warm hearth

Paint an image, bright like our merged essence

Paint an image of blissful togetherness

Monday 28 March 2022

Love #5

No, I don't find it ridiculous even after a decade of soul shocking experiences. Rather, I feel immense love for the girl who wrote it because our core still remains the same. In a hypothetical scenario, if I could go back in time and meet myself weaving dreams around romantic love, I would ask myself to focus upon self-love and protect it fiercely. Nothing makes sense without it. I will tell myself:

1. Many people tend to deceive. They lack integrity. One cannot do much about it. Just that, it should not be justified. It is okay to remove such people from life, the very first time they err.

2. At my worst, I will only have myself. So, I must strengthen my body and mind.

3. I should not give up on love. That's my essence and I must honor it. If there's nobody to sing, 'All the way 4u' for me, I shall sing it for myself 😊

4. Dreams and patterns are tricks of the sub-conscious mind. Whatever the conscious seeks gets highlighted from the pile of sub-conscious chaos. I must not try to interpret them and complicate things. 

5. There's always something going well in life. I must acknowledge it and be grateful.

6. My happiness and peace matter the most.

7. Butterflies and fairy tales are ephemeral. Only honest, steady friendships create the perfect foundation for a lifetime of togetherness.