Monday 28 March 2022

Love #5

No, I don't find it ridiculous even after a decade of soul shocking experiences. Rather, I feel immense love for the girl who wrote it because our core still remains the same. In a hypothetical scenario, if I could go back in time and meet myself weaving dreams around romantic love, I would ask myself to focus upon self-love and protect it fiercely. Nothing makes sense without it. I will tell myself:

1. Many people tend to deceive. They lack integrity. One cannot do much about it. Just that, it should not be justified. It is okay to remove such people from life, the very first time they err.

2. At my worst, I will only have myself. So, I must strengthen my body and mind.

3. I should not give up on love. That's my essence and I must honor it. If there's nobody to sing, 'All the way 4u' for me, I shall sing it for myself 😊

4. Dreams and patterns are tricks of the sub-conscious mind. Whatever the conscious seeks gets highlighted from the pile of sub-conscious chaos. I must not try to interpret them and complicate things. 

5. There's always something going well in life. I must acknowledge it and be grateful.

6. My happiness and peace matter the most.

7. Butterflies and fairy tales are ephemeral. Only honest, steady friendships create the perfect foundation for a lifetime of togetherness.

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