Sunday 11 February 2024

Her #6

She is more often wrong than right due to the innate paranoia obscuring clarity. And she is impatient to know all the answers immediately. Then she has to immediately decide on a course of action. When truth finally shows up, she almost faints with embarrassment.

He told her the most beautiful thing she has ever heard in her 37 years of life. It isn't, 'I love you'. That, he demonstrates better in so many ways. He said that he sees her as the same entity that he is within while he has his inner dialogues. That's a priceless thing to be told. Perhaps the most intimate thing which is beyond any eternal concept of love and togetherness. To be someone's mental counterpart is a unique privilege.

This is where the divide between him and her is relinquished. This is where the boundary between 'to be' and 'not to be' is lost. This is where the barriers that cause conflicts get lost. This is where shadows meet the souls and souls meet the source. This is where they are irrevocably one.

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